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A nutritional supplement containing vitamins

8.32 USD
8.32 USD
A nutritional supplement containing vitamins

Argivit Effervescent Food Supplement Containing Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin K2

Active Ingredient 1 Effervescent (10 mcg)
Vitamin C 1000 mg
Zinc 15 mg
Vitamin D 0.025 mg / 1000 IU
Vitamin K₂ (Menaquinon 7) 10 mcg

the components:

Ascorbic acid, acidity regulator: citric acid
(E330), bulk agent: sorbitol (E420), acidity regulator: sodium bicarbonate (E500), carrier: polyethylene glycol (E1521), zinc gluconate,
Bulk Agent: Polyvinylpyrrolidone (E1201), Flavor: Mixed Fruit Flavor
Sweetener: Sucralose (E 955), Coloring: Beta Carotene (E160a), Vitamin K₂, Vitamin K₂ (Menaquinone 7).

How to use:

Adults aged 11 years and over can use 1 effervescent daily by dissolving it in 200ml of water.

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance.
  • Food supplements cannot replace daily nutrition.
  • keep away from the reach of the children.
  • Consult your doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in case of illness or use of medication.
  • It is not a medicine. It is not used to prevent or treat diseases.
  • The recommended consumption date and batch number are on the package.
Storage conditions:

Store at room temperature below 25 degrees Celsius, away from moisture and sunlight.
10 x 10 x 0
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