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Blue Serum For Beard Thickness

14.00 USD
14.00 USD

Blue Serum For Beard Thickness

What makes blue serum distinct from other beard thickening products?

The blue serum to intensify the beard and mustache of Luis Bien is distinguished from many things by others including:

  • Because of its strong content that nourishes the roots of hair it makes the beard look softer more lively and shiny.
  • Helps revitalize the roots of the beard.
  • Skin care under the beard and in the far and empty areas of the beard.
  • Contributes to the appearance of beard for owners of light beards.

Why do we advise you to choose the beard serum from Luis Bien?

  • Blue Beard Care Serum specially made for separated beard with blanks.
  • Helps care to moisturize the beard with its natural ingredients.
  • Supports the beard to appear lively and brighter.
  • Helps to strengthen the thin and weak beard structure.
  • Also contributes to balancing the skin
  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • Experienced on the skin and free from any side effects.

What are the components of blue serum for beard care?

The serum formula contains a group of 100% natural ingredients that are famous for using both beard and mustache care and giving them the required density and appearance .. These ingredients are:

  • Tea tree oil extract that helps germinate lost hair.
  • Extract of clove oil that affects the growth of hair and the health of its appearance.
  • Neem extract is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties.
  • Soothing aloe vera extract for skin and hair follicle tonic.
  • The most luxurious royal aromatic oils such as sandalwood bitter orange oil and lavender aromatherapy oil the blend of these essential oils adds a wonderful touch and aromatic scent that lasts for a long time.

How to use blue serum for beard care?

The blue serum can be used to care for the beard every day after shaving on clean skin:

  1. Put a few drops on the face to be spread through the massage with the fingers according to a circular motion.
  2. After waiting 30-60 minutes wash your beard with warm water.


To get the desired results you must use the serum regularly only once a day.

It should not be used on areas where you do not want to grow hair.

10 x 20 x 10
not shiny
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