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Dates extract - 315 Grams (cold pressed)

11.00 USD
Dates extract - 315 Grams (cold pressed)

What is date extract?

Date extract is a natural, unprocessed alternative that can be used in place of refined sugar.
The product obtained by the cold pressing method can maintain its nutritional value at the highest possible level because it does not undergo heat treatment.
Date extract, which is similar to honey in consistency, ensures that the aroma of dates is felt intensely on the palate because it is produced by preserving their natural structure.

How to produce date extract?

Date extract is carefully produced from high-quality dates grown in their natural geography.
After cleaning the peels and seeds of the fruits, the edible parts are extracted by cold pressing to reach a homogeneous consistency.
In order to maintain the natural gluten-free nature of the product, the entire production process takes place on dedicated gluten-free lines
After that, the products are packed in their reliable packaging in a completely natural and fresh way, without adding any preservatives or additives.

How to use date extract? How can they be included in recipes?

You can choose to consume a teaspoon every morning. You can add it to hot drinks such as tea and coffee.
You can use it in drinks like milk, juice, and smoothies.
You can include it in your recipes with breakfast cereals, muesli, oatmeal, porridge, granola, etc.
You can choose it instead of refined sugar in sweets and pastries.
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