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Delayed Ejaculation Viga Cream 15 ml

10.00 USD
10.00 USD

The original Vega cream was imported from Germany the perfect solution for premature ejaculation

Vega cream was developed with Vitamin E against conditions such as burning and irritation.

How to use Vega cream:

For best results in sexual desire and delaying premature ejaculation

  • Cleanse genitals with wet wipes or water
  • Open pores before use
  • Take Only the tip (circumcision part) of the genitals
  • Take a small amount of the product
  • Gently massage

The point we will address here is that you need Only to use the cream on the tip of the circumcision not the entire long part of the penis.

In order to see a healthy effect:

  • It is necessary to wait before having sex for 10-15 minutes after Use the cream
  • After waiting for this period you can start intimate relationship.

A delay cream can be used on average 50 intercourse.

No Have sexual intercourse immediately after using the product.

8 x 8 x 8
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