Silver has a lustrous metallic white color is slightly stiffer than gold and is easily ductile and ductile surpassed only by gold and possibly palladium. Pure silver has the highest thermal and electrical conductivity among all metals. Silver comes in many forms such as crystals scales wires granules powder tubes rods nets and wool.
And it is the most important use of all which confirmed the importance of silver was its use as a precious metal in coinage.
Silver along with gold played the role of equivalent values and the prices of each were determined in light of the demand for money or for industrial or decorative purposes.
At present the relationship of gold and silver ranges between (1) to (65) and (1) to (70) due to the abundance of silver due to its presence with other minerals in nature and the expansion of its production to meet the demand for its associated minerals.
Silver is used in the manufacture of jewelry cash dinnerware and candlesticks. This alloy contains 92.5% silver and the rest is copper or some other metals. Silver solutions have sterile properties. Silver water kills many types of germs. This explains the strange properties that are attributed to water after leaving an object made of silver in it for a period of time.
Silver is of great importance in the manufacture of imaging films and it is also used in mixtures of dental materials in welding materials in electrical conductors and in the manufacture of large-capacity batteries such as a silver-zinc battery and a silver-cadmium battery. Silver paints are used in the manufacture of printed circuits and in the manufacture of mirrors by relying on the chemical positioning of silver its cathode or evaporation. Silver voluminate (Ag2C2N2O2) is also a strong explosive.
Silver iodide was used to sow clouds to bring down rain. The optical properties of silver chloride have been used to make them transparent sheets or to support glass. Silver nitrate is its most important compound and is often used in photography. However the current consumption of silver has exceeded its production.