The Artegral Resurrection series tells the story of the life of Artgrel son of Suleiman Shah father of Osman Khan founder of the Ottoman Empire as a leader of a tribe who had all the elements of forming a new state to bear the banner of the Islamic conquest at moments in history in which the Islamic world suffered a state of diaspora and weakness.
The series began production in May 2014 for five seasons and is considered a shift in Islamic drama as it carries many meanings and messages that I do not know how they have not been published yet!
From the first episode the Islamic character is noted in all the details of the series and that it is not just a narration of history . Rather the writer has taken great care of choosing his words and phrases with meticulous accuracy to fit perfectly with the messages he wants to convey.
Turkish drama reflects the state of pluralism in Turkish society where the conflict between Islamic identity and Western passion as the series came as an artistic response to the series The Sultan's Harem.
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