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Turkish Baklawa

90.70 EUR
90.70 EUR

Turkish Baklawa

Turkish Baklawa… An authentic flavor that will quench your passion and take you to another world...

There is no doubt that sweets have a special place in our lives. They are the top of special occasions and morning sessions with a cup of coffee or a cup of tea and they are presented to guests as a show of generosity and hospitality. It is the beautiful things that people go alone to get quiet moments with it and a cup of coffee or alone which is normal because sweets in general stimulate a specific activity in the human brain so he feels happy immediately after eating sweets. Baklawa is a Turkish sweet that is rooted in Turkish cuisine. Rather it is one of the most delicious and lightest types of sweets that many people prefer because it is often fragile in texture and crunchy with rich nuts that make up its ingredients for a luxurious taste and give a unique experience to everyone who tasted it.


Sugar drinking water wheat flour oil sterilized milk wheat starch eggs semolina table salt.

Storage and Packaging:

  • The wrapper is made specially for desserts to preserve flavor and shape.
  • Product is shipped and packaged in completely hygienic conditions
  • Keep it in a cool dry place away from heat light and moisture.
  • Check out our other types of sweets such as Gaziantep baklawa and Fresh delight with crunchy nuts and more.


  • 1.5 kilo
  • 1 kilo
  • 750 gr
  • 500 gr

30 x 20 x 10
Net Weight
1 kilo
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