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Rosary made of turquoise stone decorated with the Ottoman tughra symbol

66.44 USD
56.48 USD

Fayrouz rosary with tassel in Ottoman inscription ... a symbol of luxury and originality:

When their smooth beads lie in the palm of the hand and their beads penetrate between the fingers the tongue alternates them by automatically chanting praises whispering or loudly the poor and the rich the educated and the ignorant

Its colors and types varied over the different ages until the beads became an essential part of the Arab man's look to harmonize with his personality and blend with the rest of his accessories

In our Islamic societies the rosary is associated with certain religious seasons as it is given as special gifts in the seasons of Hajj or Umrah and in the month of Ramadan it is widely used as a symbol of the religiosity associated with this month. Although historical evidence indicates its existence in prehistoric times in the minds of some it is associated only with Islam

What is the history of using the rosary?

  • A number of historical evidence indicates that the rosary was known in different religions in prehistoric times and it was a means of worship for Buddhists and Brahmins in India and Western Asia. And planets in their various doctrines.
  • In Christianity the rosary was used in the early Christian eras (the ages of persecution) as a means of acquaintance with Christians instead of the cross.
  • In Judaism the rosary had a great place in the rituals of the Kabbalah the religious rituals associated with the philosophy of the universe. It was known as Mah Barakut meaning the hundred blessings and they used it to praise 100 times in succession.
  • Among the ancient peoples the rosary was a symbol and amulet for expelling evil spirits and protecting man from envy and evils. Some believed that washing it and drinking its water cured incurable diseases.

But it is different today ...

The rosary is no longer limited to a specific personality or age after it entered the fashion world and got rid of its traditional shape. There are now various designs in which several materials are also included which makes choosing the appropriate ones according to the personality of the bearer and the nature of his work very easy.

With the advancement of time there are many types of rosary their designs and even their uses. There are those who put it as an adornment with precious stones in the guest room or mosques and acquire it as a custom or fashion prevalent especially among the elderly and some women use it to praise and bless if it is made of clay the gift of the kings they called it this name Because it is related to the gift the pilgrims and Umrah performers used to bring it to their guests as a valuable gift

The silver rosary ... a charming look and a feeling of comfort:

The secret behind the magic of the silver rosary is still unknown and what is the reason for the comfort that it gives to the soul when using it as it has become an important vocabulary of the outward appearance so the man is always keen to fit this important piece of his clothing as if it is an important part of his personality! Luxuriously made of silver and various precious stones for elegance and adornment as it reflects a special elegance on the overall vocabulary of elegance as well as gives men prestige and a special presence

Original Fayrouz rosary combines elegant shape and distinctive color:

  • With all the diversity and difference witnessed in the world of the rosary industry the turquoise rosary remains a high and distinct position that makes many eager to carry it and take advantage of its wonderful shape and great benefits ...
  • The turquoise rosary of its heavenly blue color is specially designed for men who believe in the power of this stone and its amazing hidden abilities !!
  • Let you carry comfort in your hands with the turquoise rosary in a tassel with the Ottoman inscription design that gives it a character of originality and connection to the roots

What are the features of the Fayrouz rosary with the tassel in Ottoman inscription:

  • Tassel length: 13 cm.
  • Full length: 27cm.
  • Grain size: 8 * 8 mm.
  • It has a tassel decorated with the symbol of the Ottoman tughra at its end.

What are the benefits of carrying the Rosary of Fayrouz on the soul and body?

  • Turquoise is an excellent mood and effect healer giving the wearer calmness to the body mind and spirit
  • One of the main contributions that turquoise stone can make to your life is a feeling of balance serenity and peace
  • Turquoise eases moods and provides mood stabilization by lifting spirits and restoring vitality
  • The main use of turquoise has historically been as a protective amulet with the ability to protect the wearer from physical and psychological harm
  • In Asia turquoise stone is worn as a protector from evil spirits and entities and wearing turquoise is believed to attract good luck and ward off evil.
  • In Europe turquoise was primarily worn by men seeking power luck and professional success

As for the health benefits of turquoise we mention the following:

  • As a preventive and curative stone turquoise stone is known to restore the body and mind to its optimum levels of strength and vitality turquoise can restore our energy level when we deplete it stop panic attacks and heal us from depression
  • The energy of the turquoise stone helps our bodies assimilate nutrients and minerals support and enhance the performance of our immune system
  • The detoxifying properties of turquoise help mitigate the effects of pollution and inflammation
15 x 8 x 8
beads count
Stone Type
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