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Turkish Delight with Coconut and Pistachio

14.00 USD
14.00 USD

Turkish Delight with Coconut and Pistachio

Sweets have assumed a great social status because of their symbolic connotations of hospitality. In addition to being dishes that no one can dispense with here we can talk about Turkish sweets and their importance among the types of sweets as Turkish cuisine presented the world with delicious sweets with an Ottoman flavor and taste. It is the one that is at the fore in weddings celebrations and daily meetings until it became an indispensable social ritual. Turkish delight and baklawe are one of the most popular types of Turkish sweets as it takes their place next to a cup of coffee and at hospitality tables between Eid sweets and on special occasions. So if you are looking for fresh Turkish sweets with a distinctive flavor and light texture you can choose Turkish delight that suits your taste with or without crunchy pistachio... Turkish delight with raw chocolate or other flavors such as pomegranate lemon etc.

How to make Turkish Delight?

Delicious sweets are loved by both adults and children as they are characterized by a wonderful taste and a soft texture. Turkish delight is cooked by the most skilled chefs around the world where powdered sugar and starch are added to the boiled pure water and stirred until it reaches the desired consistency so that it is cohesive and soft at the same time. After this stage luxurious nuts or other ingredients are added that will give the delight Its great flavor and distinctive consistent shape.

Storage advice:

  • All of our products comply with food safety standards.
  • Shipments are prepared and packaged under completely hygienic conditions.
  • Store in a cool dry place.
  • Avoid storing under the sunlight.
  • You can see other sweets kinds such as Turkish delight with lemon assorted turkish delight and chocolate covered turkish delight and others.

An enchanting blend of delicious flavors of pistachio and coconut together that will release your feelings and quench your craving for the sweet and savory...

15 x 10 x 15
Net Weight
225 Gr, 450 Gr
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.